The talk by lifelong local Donald Angus will be a look into the industrial past of the Lake District and surrounding area. It will open your eyes to how generations of miners, foresters & farmers have altered the landscape. This includes Threlkeld quarry which was a micro-granite quarry which opened in 1870 to supply railway ballast to the Penrith-Keswick line, other railways, roadstone and kerbing as well as supplying stone for the construction of Thirlmere reservoir. It closed in 1982.
Starts 7:30pm. Tickets £2 on the door. Bar and Box Office from 7pm.
On the following day (Tuesday 8th at 1:30pm) there will be a guided walk around the quarry village identifying houses and buildings, their uses and hearing stories of people that lived there. the guided walk is free and starts and finishes at the Village Hall. Lasts about 3hrs. Wear strong shoes or boots.