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A Geological Walk around Threlkeld

August 28 @ 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
A guided walk around Threlkeld with Dr Danny Clark-Lowes, geologist and U3A geology field trip leader in the Lake District. Much can be learned about the geology of Threlkeld from the building stones and in gardens apart from the areas of former mines. This walk starts from the Village Hall Car Park at 1:30pm and lasts about 2½hrs, finishing at the village hall. FREE! Wear strong shoes or boots. May involve some uneven ground.

The walk will be looking at the age and type of the rocks in the area and noting the important fault line which runs along the Glenderamackin river dividing the Skiddaw group rocks to the north from the Borrowdale rocks to the south. All these rocks can be seen in the building stones of Threlkeld. We will start looking at a garden wall and proceed through the village, looking at the building stones, to the east towards Gategill Farm, formerly a lead and zinc mine. We will stop at the building contractor business run by Ken Hebson who has given us permission to look at the excellent collection of rocks he has in his yard, mainly local but some from further afield.

At this vantage point, the Glenderamackin valley is visible and both the truncated spurs of Blencathra and the ‘glacial slump’ that is Threlkeld Knotts will be explained.

If there is time we will proceed up the ghyll above Gategill Farm and discuss the origins of the Lead and Zinc that used to be mined there.