Watercolour Flowers
A relaxed informal class for people who would like to paint detailed flowers and other botanical subjects using watercolour. All abilities welcome. The last Thursday of each Month. 13:00-16:00 January […]
Keswick Pencil Heads
A local group of the UK coloured pencil society. We are a self-help group of coloured pencil artists meeting 10.00am-2.00pm on the second or third SATURDAY of the month February […]
Threlkeld Youth Club
For ages 7/8 to 18yrs. Meets WEDNESDAY from 6:30pm to 8pm. £1 per session. Starts this year on 15th March. Thereafter March 23rd,29th; May 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th; June 8th, […]
Threlkeld Parish Council Meeting
Once a month on a TUESDAY evening at 7pm. Date and Agendas on the Parish Council Website https://threlkeldparishcouncil.wordpress.com/ . Contact Parish Clerk if you wish to speak in the public participation […]
Threlkeld and District Women’s Group
Meetings with speakers or workshops. Second MONDAY each month. Membership £20 plus £1 per meeting. Visitors £3. Contact the Secretary, Dot Benson on 017687 79256.
Threlkeld Brownies
Part of the national Grid Guiding Association. Meets 4:30pm Mondays term-time. £24 per term. To register your trial session and find out more go to the Girl guiding website.
Keswick Crazy Kickers Line Dance Club
THURSDAYS 7:30-9:30pm, £6. Intermediate/Advanced level. (Lower level classes at other venues).
Short Mat Bowling Club
Short mat indoor bowling. Clean flat-soled shoes to be worn. Membership limited so contact organize to check availability. MONDAYS 1:30-4pm except mid July to early September.£1 annually plus £1.50 per […]
Circle Dancing
Simplified international folk dancing. U3A class (over 50s). TUESDAYS 10:30am-12:30pm. U3A membership £12 per year plus shared cost of hall hire (currently £5 per month). Contact Jean Hutchinson.
Keep Fit
Aerobic and interval training followed by stretching with trainer Debbie Jackman of Get-Active. Suitable for all abilities. TUESDAYS, term-time, 4:30-5:30pm. £6 per session.