Threlkeld and District Women’s Group

Threlkeld Woman’s Group is a vibrant community of women dedicated to supporting, empowering, and inspiring one another. Our mission is to create a space where women of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences can come together to share, learn and grow and you will find a warm and welcoming community.

Meetings are held the second MONDAY of each month @ 7.30 pm with speakers, workshops and trips.

Membership is £20 plus £1 per meeting.  Visitors £3.



20th January

Social Evening

12th May

Another Night at the Proms

by Shirley & Peter

8th September


by Jen Bell

10th February

Threlkeld Quarry

by Dickin Chaplin Brice

9th June

Car Treasure Hunt & Supper

13th October

Cakes from the Lakes

by Laura

10th March


Ukulele Band

14th July

A Summer Posy

by Sylvia Clark

10th November


14th April

Ambulances to Ukraine by Paul Thomas

13th August

A visit – Details to follow


Christmas Dinner & Secret Santa

For further information, please contact the Secretary, Kim Elsender on 07970 436828 or